Episode three was a blast to shoot. The day of the bridge building challenge the weather was boiling hot and we spent it at the beach, pure heaven. But for one thing. Up until we were actually shooting, we weren’t allowed near the water. Now I’m a northern girl and living on the prairies we […]

Canada’s Greatest Know It All Episode Two: Something Over-Educated This Way Comes
The second episode aired on Monday and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it, but mostly enjoyed spending the commercials tweeting, texting, facebooking, and neglecting my family. Hannah rewarded my self-involvement with studious dismissal. The show came on, she saw me, and said “that looks like you, mommy!” Then she went back to playing with her puzzles […]

Let’s keep the conversation going!
I love that blogging allows people from all over to engage in difficult conversations. I received a great comment on the post Vaccine Inanity AGAIN that I want to share, and as I started replying to it, I realized that I had so much to say that it deserved its own post. Here’s the comment […]

Episode One: The Pedant Menace
There’s a reason the show is called Canada’s Greatest Know It All – because it is filled with people who can’t keep their mouths shut and opinions to themselves, myself included. All the more reason that Daniel’s tough love approach to wrangling was hard to take. It was wonderful to watch the premier and let […]

Vaccine Inanity AGAIN
This afternoon my sister sent me this graphic, which a colleague of hers had posted on Facebook. I have seen ones like it quite a few times and unlike my earlier posts where I talked about the general role of scepticism in issues around vaccines, for this I took the time to look into the […]

With friends like these…..
Two more sleeps and I finally get to see what Canada’s Greatest Know It All is going to look like. Then it’s all ceaseless teasing and “You think you’re smart? Huh? Can you do this?” Strangely though friends and family have been quite supportive. Even my dad, who was not that keen on the idea, […]

Calm Before the Storm
For Christmas this year we went to Invermere. No extended family, no visiting, no schedules, just we three. It was a sweet moment of respite before the storm. This semester the I’m winding down my day job, I have two sections at Mount Royal, the show starts, and oh, I’m starting my own consulting business. […]