I have quite a few friends having babies right now, and as my facebook feed fills up with adorable baby pictures, I’m turning to reminders of pregnancy to help decide if this is REALLY something I want to do again. Jury’s out. BUT, there was a fascinating paper that just came out in Cell talking […]

HPV Calgary
As you may have heard, if you’ve been in my vicinity over the last couple of months, the Calgary Catholic School Board has decided that they will not allow the HPV vaccine to be provided to their students within the school. And that, my friends, makes me suspect that despite the election of Canada’s coolest […]

Colour Queen
Hannah LOVES to colour. I love that she loves to colour. I don’t love that she loves to colour everything – the carpet, the television….. Turns out even the washable markers do not come out of carpet. So we got some of those Crayola markers that don’t make a mark unless on the special paper. […]

Wasn’t one of my New Year’s Resolutions to keep up with my blog? Oh wait, no, it was to lose weight. So that’s two fails…… However, I have just come off of a GRAND ADVENTURE to which I will allude but not explain for another 6 months. And no I’m not pregnant. Stop asking. You […]

New Year’s Resolutions
As the holidays wind to a close, and I finish off a Bernard Callebaut white chocolate snowman, I’m starting to think about how I can undo the damage of the holiday season. Don’t all mommy blogs have to have an article or two on losing the baby weight/having more time for you/reclaiming lost youth and […]

You Might Think It’s Funny, But It’s Snot – The Microbiome
I’ve been asked to tell some disgusting stories from the trenches – almost literally, our lab is in a very neglected basement – of microbiological research. I’m not emotionally prepared to talk about the soggy, dead rat that I pulled out of our broken down and moldy -80 freezer, so instead I’m going to start […]

Today’s Parent – Pick Me! Pick Me!
Hello, Today’s Parent. My name is the Mommiologist and this is my audition for a featured blog. Is this thing on? Motherhood is a beautiful, disgusting, hilarious, difficult and rewarding experience. On the one hand, I have been pooped on, spat on, coughed up on, cried on, hit, kicked, and puked on. I have teared […]
Data mining taught her to say “shut up”?
Hannah is an extraordinarily chatty girl. She talked before crawling, before walking, and while other toddlers gleefully climb the apparatuses at the playground Hannah’s content to go up and down a ramp, and tell you all about it. She’s a talker, not a fighter. It’s remarkably entertaining – she is constantly coming up with new […]
werk werk werk
I was going to start this post with “why didn’t anyone tell me how exhausting it is to be a working mother?” when really, people say it all the time. Sadly it’s not one of those truisms that’s diminished by repetition. I went back to work almost exactly a year ago and have done two […]