It’s been a long long hiatus from blogging from me, and not one that has gone unmourned. I miss my blog. I also miss the following things: free time, respiratory health, exercise, the ability to schedule my time, and decent home cooked meals. I have returned to work, and I never realized how loony it […]
It’s been a stressful month as I move back to work. Typically, my nerdy response to stress is to become nerdier, so with that in mind I just read “Decoding the Universe: How the New Science of Information is Explaining Everything in the Cosmos, From Our Brains to Black Holes” by Charles Seife. It was […]
Skepticism and vaccines
If there were anything I could do as a scientist, it would be to clarify the role of skepticism. I’m a big believer in skepticism. I truly believe that it is the responsibility of every citizen in this society to clearly examine their opinions and decisions of our day to day lives. The things we […]
Big Day
I can hardly believe it and in fact find it easy to willfully forget – tomorrow is Hannah’s first birthday. In a blink she is turning into a little girl, as she insists on being constantly pulled up to standing and walked about, and is sprouting new teeth like seedlings in a gummy garden. Hannah, […]
This first dreamy year of Hannah’s life is drawing to a close. I have, against my strong protestations, taken another postdoc. I am reminded of my friend Neil, the day that I insisted to him that Science and I were through, protesting that Science is like a mean boyfriend. You catch him in bed with […]
You might be wondering where I’ve been lately – at least, I hope my blogging absence has been noted by someone! I have been working, every night, for free, on the EXPERIMENT THAT WILL NOT DIE. They don’t tell you, when you decide to become a scientist, that occasionally the rules of nature are suspended […]
So Proud
I always knew that the greatest thing about being a parent is watching your child turn into a little person, someone with their own likes and dislikes, and strange quirks that are reminiscent of yourself or your partner. Hannah has always been such a sweet and charming baby that it’s been easy to characterize her […]
Who knew science blogging was a man’s world?
I didn’t. I firmly straddle the worlds of science blogging (evidently strongly male) and mommy blogging (evidently not). I’m new to the blogosphere, and actually pleasantly surprised that there is one. I’m old, and don’t understand this blogging thing too well. But I do understand the discussion about women in the blogosphere. I’m a woman […]
Clap clap clap
Hannah loves to clap. If I am doing yoga, and put my hands in Namaste, she claps. If I am sitting in front of her she grabs my hands to make me clap and sing her new favorite song – Stella Ella Olla. It’s a relief from having to sing the Thong Song (Hannah grooves). […]

Morning Sickness
I was one of those women who was convinced that motherhood would be a dreamy time of watching my body do its natural, beautiful thing. In actuality, it was 9 months of nausea, swollen feet and carpal tunnel syndrome. If there was a possible weird pregnancy symptom, I had it (except for hemorrhoids, I hasten […]